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i am not ready - READ it please

Well guys my Grandfather died today !
i'm so sad and i feel so sick guys thank u for all the wishes and words :[
i know he's in a better place but i need him with me .. :[ Why him ? He's my own angel , right? :[
But i'm strong . I'm trying for my friends ' anyways i'll always look at our pictures >D< !
Love u so much grandfather :[
i try to blv that was my dream but i open my eyes and his not here !
i try to blv that was my dream but i open my eyes and his not here !
i wont 4get u never :(
i wont 4get u never :(
he just used to call me " angel ":[
he just used to call me " angel ":[
Peace For u :( u was like my ofc dad :(
Peace For u :( u was like my ofc dad :(
i am not ready :(
i am not ready :(
he was amazing he always amazed me with his gifts :(
he was amazing he always amazed me with his gifts :(

Comments • 6

oOTaniutzZaOo 26 December 2010  
Awwe I'm so so so sorry for you :( But just be STRONG baby!I'm always here for YOU!! <3 xoxoxox
GuysIamDoneJB 26 December 2010  
Gsh abbzz >:D<
i am so so sorry for u if u need something tell
me i am here for u !
And now he is ur own angel and his taking care of u from up there !
His with God now protecting u :(
Be strong he needs that >:D<
MileyRayMe 26 December 2010  
Awwww :[ I am so sorry :[ Be Strong,Abbz :[ My grandpa is dead,too !! :{ Ohh .. He is my angel :[ I miss you,grandpa!! :[
MileyRayMe 26 December 2010  
Awwch :[ I am so sorry for your grandpa @Abbz :[ My grandpa isn't here with me , too. I mean is dead :[ I miss him & I really understand how is to lost the people who called you his *angel* :[ I wanna tell you that I am here for you . You should stay strong cause where is him now , will defend you and will always be with you.

Miley :]
DeduxaaLov3 26 December 2010  
Awwww poor you my mommy ..im here for you always abby ..i love u ..keep up babe` u can do it ..hope u will be strong

With love Dedexu
xCherryShakexD 26 December 2010  
I am so sorry .
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