1127 photos   32855 visits

0 I am back _ 4EVER

Hi monsters ! I'm back and i missed all of u !
maybe u 4got me in fact i wasnt online more than 3 months !
whatever i wanna say that if u guys wanna mess with me u can , i am free and starting from today i'll always be online !
Owwh and thank you guys because u was still sending me messages on private i'm so excited to be again with u guys ! So abby missed u and i hope that my friends are the same cuz i wouldn't change them 4 nothing !
So welcome to my page guys !
So welcome to my page guys !
Hahaha Fashion time !
Hahaha Fashion time !
New picture with me _ x1
New picture with me _ x1
New picture with me _ x2
New picture with me _ x2
New picture with me _ x3
New picture with me _ x3
New picture with me _ x4
New picture with me _ x4

Comments • 51

GuysIamDoneJB 29 June 2011  
Welcome back my abbzz >:D<
xAbbyzFashion 29 June 2011  
Thank you my babzzz >:D< !
JustinDB 29 June 2011  
abby , you're back >D< ! WelcomeB. i'm so happy cuz finally you came back.
xAbbyzFashion 29 June 2011  
hi and thnx u :] <3.xd
JustinDB 29 June 2011  
no problem abby , how are u ? >:D< !
xAbbyzFashion 29 June 2011  
I'm fine thank you for asking . <3
DramaQueenTif 29 June 2011  
God , you're so beautiful i love your new pictures .
Welcome back my abbzzz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love u!!
xAbbyzFashion 29 June 2011  
Owwh Thank you :)
xBloodOnTheCarpet 29 June 2011  
x . Welcome Back Abby
xAbbyzFashion 29 June 2011  
Thank you :) !
IProtectSelena 28 June 2011  
just for you .
With that i think that im showing you how much i care & love you
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
Gsh Thank you :]
IamGoneGrimmie 28 June 2011  
i miss you angel :]
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
i miss you too , cutie :]
DeduxaaLov3 28 June 2011  
Wb dear Abby >:D<
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
Thank you darlin' . :]
xEcstasyGurlLulu 28 June 2011  
Ohh` ma` Abbz`:)
I missed you so much
,,So much'' i say:x
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
Thank you so much :] i've missed you too , baby . <3 ! LoveLoveLove
xEcstasyGurlLulu 28 June 2011  
I l o v e YOU:):x
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
i Love YOU too , sweetie . :]
xBeyondTheEternityXD 28 June 2011  
Oh <3 God ;o Welcome back , sweetness ♥
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
Thank you . :]
alexasweetchica 19 September 2010  
i missed u :)
xAbbyzFashion 28 June 2011  
XoBridgitMXo 12 September 2010  
:x I Love You
xAbbyzFashion 12 September 2010  
Thank you. i love u too . :) xx
bixelle 7 September 2010  

Ya I missed u
xAbbyzFashion 12 September 2010  
me too :)
LoveJustinDrewBieber 28 August 2010  
Aww :) So cool :) I missed you abbs :)
xAbbyzFashion 28 August 2010  
Thanx emmz :) I missed you so much honey !! ILY :)
ancadetectorfakes 27 August 2010  
Im happy bcz my sis is back
xAbbyzFashion 27 August 2010  
Aww !! :) Thanks !! U're the most sweet sis :)
ancadetectorfakes 27 August 2010  
i missed u Abby!
xAbbyzFashion 27 August 2010  
Thanx :) I missed you 2 :)
goodsgirl8494caitlin 27 August 2010  
yaay :) i missed u Abby! LYSM girllll xx
xAbbyzFashion 27 August 2010  
Thanx !! : I missed you 2 Cait !! :) LYSM too !! (L)
ProtectAbby 27 August 2010  
Love you abbs !! you make me smile everytime :x
xAbbyzFashion 27 August 2010  
Awww !! Thanx :) you make me 2 :)
ProtectAbby 27 August 2010  
I miss u !! love u abby !!:x
xAbbyzFashion 27 August 2010  
I missed you too !! Love you too !! xx
LexiCyrus4you 27 August 2010  
Awww !! So fine !! Love you abby !!:)
xAbbyzFashion 27 August 2010  
Thanx !! :) Love you 2 lex !!
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